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balletLORENT offers a wide range of professional development opportunities for dance artists and practitioners in the North East and across the UK. Programmes can include mentorship programmes, workshops and residencies, and can cover areas of choreography, teaching, community engagement, and producing. 

We are proud to have supported the training and development of many young dance artists through Postgraduate Programmes over many years. Former apprentice dancers joining balletLORENT through these programmes have gone on to lead highly successful freelance careers as dancers, teachers and choreographers in the North East and across the UK, with several continuing into performance work with balletLORENT. 

balletLORENT’s creative and management teams have a wealth of experience within the arts, and are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and skills with emerging artists and arts administrators. 

Often working in partnership with established mentoring programmes, we ensure the highest level of quality in the delivery of our programmes.

For more information about the professional development opportunities available, or to discuss partnership opportunities, email or call 0191 233 1811

Professional Residency

balletLORENT offers a Professional Residency week each July.

Our residency weeks are open to open to dancers in professional training and professional dancers, we offer limited places in a rare opportunity to work with dance artists who have decades of experience.

An opportunity to immerse yourself in some of our iconic repertoire, costume, set, props and movement practices with Artistic Director Liv Lorent and our dance artists and creative team.

Each day starts with a professional level contemporary dance class. Then a chance to learn repertoire and create original work in collaboration with Liv and our creative artists. Get to grips with our sets, costumes and props as you explore balletLORENT’s unique vision of the relationship between dance, storytelling and physical theatre.

On the final afternoon there is an opportunity for you to use our props, costume and set to self-film in order to enhance your showreel, or create footage of yourself embodying a new range of physical challenges.

Open Door

balletLORENT's Open Door days offer professional dancers the opportunity to explore working with our company on upcoming productions.

Dancers are invited to apply for a day with us to learn more about our work, participate in company class, and engage in creative sessions with Artistic Director Liv Lorent and the creative team.

These sessions are designed for those interested in collaboration, with limited places available by invitation following the application process.

To apply, you'll need to submit a video showreel, a short biography, and a brief explanation of your interest in joining Open Door. Alternatively, you can send this information via a video or voice message on WhatsApp to 07308 160 383, or by email to

We are a diverse ensemble of exceptional dancers, known for our physical and emotional stamina, with a strong focus on storytelling. Our work is primarily based in Newcastle upon Tyne, with tours across middle to large scale venues in the UK.

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